Chapter 5. Energy Transport
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How is energy generated in the core transported to the surface?
Radiation: photons
Convection: fluid motions
Conduction: electrons, atoms
The sun ($\bar\rho\odot\sim 1.4\text{ g/cm}^3, \bar n\odot\sim10^{24}\text{ cm}^{-3}$) is optically thick, that is, when we solely consider Thomson scattering (photons v.s. electrons), the mean free path for a photon is
Therefore, photons must be scattered many times before reaching the surface, and energy is radiated by diffusion.
An example is that particles tend to escape from dense regions to the places with lower number density. The particle flux is approximately proportional to the density gradient
where $D$ is the diffusion coefficient
Larger $l_\text{mfp}$ results in larger diffusion rate.
where $a$ is the radiation coefficient derived from the Stefan–Boltzmann constant
In a star, radiation and gas are thermalized due to numerous collisions, thus $T_\text{rad}\simeq T$.
We can similarly write down the radiation energy flux as
Here we have defined the opacity $\kappa$ as
For a spherical system (such as a star), the gradient is simply ${\partial}/{\partial r}$, thus
The luminosity is
But how can we know the opacity?
In general, there are so many sources of opacity $\kappa_\nu(\rho,T)$ like scattering and absorption.
Electron scattering
Free-free transition (bremsstrahlung)
From Fengwei Xu's notes
For each $\nu$, the radiation flux is
where $U\nu$ is given by $4\pi B\nu(T)/c$,
is $\nu$-denpendent, thus we can define the Rosseland mean opacity as
Note that by integrating $B_\nu(T)$ over the frequency the integrated radiance $L$ is
In this way,
Discussed in the next chapter.
Not important for normal stars
Important for compact stars
Energy is transported via collision due to thermal motions of particles. Although the physics is different from radiation transport, the flux is simply given by
So for a star without significant convection, the total energy flux is