Week7: Orbits
Non-axisymmetric potentials
Weak Bars
We choose a polar coordinate $(R,\phi)$ in which the line $\phi=0$ coincides with the long axis of the potential. Since we assume the bar is weak, we may write
where $\Phi_1/\Phi_0\ll1$ (Pertubation).
Lindblad resonances (with a steady pattern speed $\Omega_b$)
We seek to represent a general loop orbit as a superposition of the circular motion of a guiding center and small oscillations around this guiding center.
Then the Lagrangian is
So the equations of motion are
since we regard the weak bar as perturbation, we also divide $R$ and $\phi$ into zeroth- and first-order parts
For the zeroth-order
which is the usual equation for centrifugal equilibrium at $R_0$. We further define $\Omega_0\equiv\Omega(R_0)$, where
is the circular frequency at $R$ in the potential $\Phi_0$. The angular speed for the circular motion then becomes
we choose the origin of time so that
The equations of motion yield
for the first-order, we have
To proceed further we must select a specific form of $\Phi_1$
where $m\in N^$, since any potential that is an even function of $\phi$ can be expanded as a Fourier series. If $m=2$ the potential is *barred.
At first we assume that $\phi_1\ll1$ and hence $\phi(t)$ always remains close to $(\Omega_0-\Omega_b)t$. With this assumption we have
Then we can eliminate $\dot\phi_1$ from the equations
We define
$\kappa_0$ is just the usual epicycle frequency. The constant in the equation is not important as it can be absorbed into $R_1$. Then we have got an equation of motion of a harmonic oscillator of natural frequency of $\kappa_0$ that is driven at a frequency of $m\left(\Omega_0-\Omega_b\right)$. The general solution is
where $C_1$ and $\alpha$ are arbitrary constants, and
We may also eliminate $t$ from this solution with the equation $\phi_0=\left(\Omega_0-\Omega_b\right)t$
If $C_1=0$, $R_1(\phi_0)$ becomes periodic in $\phi_0$ with period $2\pi/m$, so the orbit is a closed loop one. Orbits with $C_1\neq0$ are non-closed loop ones parented by this closed loop.
For the $C_1=0$ case, there are two sorts of singular points
The former, of which $\Omega_0=\Omega_b$, corresponds to the case of corotation resonance. The guiding center simply corotates with the potential.
The latter, of which $m\left(\Omega_0-\Omega_b\right)=\pm\kappa_0$, is known as Lindblad resonances. Radii at which such resonances occur are called Lindblad radii.
Inner Lindblad resonance - plus sign - larger $\Omega_0$
Outer Lindblad resonance - minus sign - smaller $\Omega_0$
Orbits trapped at resonance
When $R_0$ approches the radius of either a Linblad resonance or the corotation resonance, the value of $R_1$ predicted with linear approximation diverges, thus we should modify the analysis.
In the previous analysis we have assumed $\phi_1\ll1$, which is not neccessarily satisfied. If the bar strength $\Phi_1$ is proportional to some small parameter $\epsilon$, we assume $\phi_1$ is of order unity, $R_1$ is of order $\epsilon^{1/2}$, and the time derivative of any quantity is smaller than that quantity by of order $\epsilon^{1/2}$. When we further put the guiding center at $L_5$, the equations of motion go like
According to our ordering, in the first equation, $\ddot R_1$ is of order $\epsilon^{3/2}$, $\Phi_1$ is of order unity, while other terms are of order $\epsilon^{1/2}$. In the second equation, each term is of order $\epsilon^{1/2}$. Thus
Recall $\Phi_1=\Phi_1(R,\phi)=\Phi_b(R)\cos(m\phi)$ and let $m=2$
where $\Phi_b<0$. At $L_5$ we have $\phi_0=\pi/2$, so
where $\psi=2\phi_1$, and
This is simply the equation of a pendulum. Here the singularity appeared at corotation ($\Omega_0=\Omega_b$) no longer exists in this more careful analysis. Also, the stable equilibrium point of the pendulum, $\phi_1 = 0$, is at the maximum, not the minimum, of the potential $\Phi_1$ (the donkey effect).
The donkey effect - in azimuth stars behave like donkeys, slowing down when pulled forwards and speeding up when held back - Lynden–Bell & Kalnajs (1972)
If the integral of motion
is less than $p^2$, the star oscillates slowly or librates about the Lagragian point, whereas if $E_p>p^2$, the star is not trapped by the bar but circulates about the center of the galaxy.
For small oscillations, the libration frequency is $p$.
We may also obtain the shape of the orbit
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