Chapter 4. Energy Conservation
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Let us consider the net energy in a unit time passing the sphere of a radius $r$, $L(r)$, or $L(m)$.
In the shell $[r,r+\text dr]$, or $[m,m+\text dm]$
If no energy generation/absorption
Eulerian picture: fixed fluid position
Lagrange's picture: the coordinates move with mass
In astrophysics, Lagrange's picture is usually adopted. One example is the perturbation theory.
In the perturbation theory, people usually consider a mass element with certain thermaldynamical quantities, such as $\rho$, $T$, $P$, etc. As the mass element moves, the change in each quantity can be easily characterized with its partial derivative with respect to $m$. Important applications include
Stellar pulsation
Tidal perturbation of NS/WD and the gravitational radiation (GW)
If the energy is generated by nuclear burning
where $\varepsilon_\text{nuc}$ is the energy generation rate per unit mass. Then
If the energy is used to increase the internal energy and/or expand/contract a mass shell
The first law in thermodynamics requires
we $s$ is the specific entropy. Thus
For contraction, $\varepsilon\text{gas}>0$, or expansion, $\varepsilon\text{gas}<0$. Therefore, if there is no nuclear burning, $\partial L/\partial m=\varepsilon_\text{gas}$, and the total luminosity is given by
From the perspective of energy conservation, the second term should correspond to the time derivative of $E_\text{g}$. Now we give a proof.
The virial theorem reveals that
The time derivative is thus
We just need to prove
This is true for the radiation-dominated case, where
Finally, we have derived
simply assuming spherical symmetry, hydrostatic equilibrium in radiation-dominated fluid.
If neutrinos carry energy away, we have to somehow modify our equation
Neutrinos hardly interact with matter. The typical cross section for neutrino scattering is $\sigma\nu\sim10^{-44}$ cm$^{2}$, about 20 orders of magnitude smaller than the cross section of Thomson scattering. Take the Sun as an example, the mean free path $l\text{mfp}$ of neutrinos in the Sun is
As a result, neutrinos produced in the Sun escape without any scattering. They can be treated as an energy sink in stars.
The energy conservation law of the whole star is
where the nuclear energy $E_\text{nuc}$ is given by
On the other hand,
Nuclear timescale
is the timescale of continuous, stable nuclear burning in a star. Considering the hydrogen fusion
where $Q$ stands for the available energy per unit mass.
For the Sun,
Recall that
This is usually the case for a normal, stable star.
What Powers Our Sun?
The energy conversion efficiency of the Sun is approximately
According to radioactive elements in comets, the age of our system is at least $\sim 10$ Gyr.
Considering the energy conversion efficiency, the Sun would be burnt out after
Not enough!
Chemical Reaction
For hydrogen atoms, $E\sim13.6$ eV, so
Not enough!
Nuclear Burning