The inflowing has a non-zero angular momentum and forms a disk. For a specific angular momentum, $j_0=rv$. Let us ignore the pressure for this moment, and compare the gravity and centrifugal force,
At a small radius, to conserve the specific angular momentum, the centrifugal term must dominate. The critical radius is
It is known as the disk radius, or the centrifugal radius. It corresponds to the radius within which a disk could form due to the net angular momentum from the accreted gas.
Estimation of $R_\text d$
At any radius, the accreted gas has a random motion velocity of the order of the adiabatic sound speed $c_s$. The effective tangential velocity component $v$ is scaled with an order-one factor $f$, $v\sim fc_s$.
In addition, the accretion starts at Bondi radius,
Usually $f\sim0.1$, so $R_\text d$ is two orders of magnitude smaller than the Bondi radius.
Black Hole
The so-called surface of the object is the event horizon, whose size is approximately Schwarzschild radius
For HI gas, $c_s\sim10$ km/s, thus for $f\sim0.1$
Sun-like Star
Again for $f\sim0.1$,
The disk is, obviously, axisymmetric. All our discussion below will be in the cylindrical coordinate $(r,z)$. $z=0$ corresponds to the equator of the disk.
Profile along $z-$Direction
Along $z-$direction, pressure gradient is balanced with gravity.
Fix $r$, and consider isothermal case in which $c_s=c_0$ for simplicity, we can solve this ODE simply by integration
where $K$ denotes for Keplerian. We can further define
and the $\rho(r,z)$ develops a Gaussian profile
$H$ is the disk scale height, which corresponds to the disk thickness.
Now we need to think of the ratio of $H$ to $r$. Only if $H/r\ll1$ is our assumption that $z\ll r$ self-consistent.
Thus we claim that the thin disk is equivalent to a cold disk, where the thermal velocity is much smaller than the rotational velocity.
Gas Rotation in the Disk
Consider the terms of the Navier-Stokes equation in $r-$direction,
In the steady state, the time derivative vanishes. If there is no viscosity, due to the conservation of angular momentum, there should not be any mass inflow and materials simply rotate, thus $v_r=0$. So
For a thin disk, $cs\ll v_K$, and $v\phi$ is simply the Keplerian velocity. But for a relatively thick disk,
Usually the density gradient is negative, so the rotation is sub-Keplerian, where $v_\phi<v_K$. But there could be some regions where the density gradient is positive. The rotation in such region is super-Keplerian.
In fact, the radial velocity is led by the viscosity. Dimensional analysis gives that
In accretion disks, the consensus is that viscosity comes from turbulence excited by magnetorotational instability (MRI). We know that the kinematic viscosity $\nu$ is determined as
where $\bar c$, here the turbulence velocity, is of the same order as $c_s$. On the other hand, the turbulence scale has a upper limit, which is the disk scale height $H$. As a result,
In 1973, Shakura & Sunyaev proposed a trick by introducing a factor $\alpha$ so that
throughout the disk. Though they have no idea of the physical origin for $\alpha-$viscosity, recent MHD simulations for MRI proves that although $\alpha$ is a time-dependent, local parameter, the variation is reasonable and the average $\alpha$ is somehow $0.001-0.01$.
With this assumption, the inflow velocity is
So $v_r\ll c_s\ll v_K$ for thin disks.
Energy Production
In a axisymmetric accretion system, the accretion rate is
In the thin disk limit, $v_r(r,z)\sim v_r(r)$, thus
$\Sigma$ is the surface density on the disk. Using our estimation of $v_r$, we have
Now we can calculate the energy generation rate ([erg/s/cm$^2$], energy flux) due to accretion, during which gravitational energy is transformed into thermal energy via visocity.
This relation can be derived from Navier-Stokes equation directly. In fact,
The energy is carried away mainly via radiation, convection, and advection. The convection can be important, but is really complicated and beyond the scope of this lecture. Here we mainly discuss advection and radiation.
In advection, the bulk fluid motion carries certain energy away. Again, out of dimensional analysis, we have
where $\dot M$ describes the bulk motion and the specific internal energy is scaled with $cs^2$. The ratio of $Q^-\text{adv}$ to $Q^+_\text{vis}$ is
which suggests that for thin disk case, advection cannot efficiently takes energy away. For thicker disks, however, advection can play an important role in energy transportation.
In a geometrically thin disk, we estimate the optical depth $\tau$.
We consider the fluid behavior in the vicinity of the black hole, that is, $r\sim R_{Sch}$. Because of the steep potential well predicted in GR, the infalling velocity is approximately the speed of light. In this way,
For a typical efficiency $\eta\sim0.1$, when $\dot M\sim\dot M_{Edd}$, $\tau$ is significantly larger than unity. Note that $c$ is strictly an upper limit of $v_r$, so we have underestimated the optical depth. Absolutely the disk is optically thick. So the energy transporting rate via radiation is
Angular Momentum Transfer and Viscosity
In 1974, Lynden-Bell & Pringle claimed that rotating accretion disks should achieve minimum energy.
Suppose a test particle with specific angular momentum $j$ in a potential $\psi=-\frac{GM}r$. The motion is Keplerian, thus the specific energy is
where $e$ is the orbital eccentricity. The minimum energy state achieves with a circular orbit, where
Now consider two particles orbiting around $M$. The total energy and angular momentum are,
To conserve the total mass and angular momentum, we have
The lowest energy state obviously requires circular orbits. The energy differential is thus
Without loss of generality, we assume $j_1>j_2$. Since
we have $r_1>r_2$, $\varepsilon(j_1)>\varepsilon(j_2)$, and $\Omega_1<\Omega_2$. To ensure that $\text dE0$. Thus mass is transported inwards (to particle 2), while angular momentum is transported outwards (to particle 1).
Evolution of Disk Surface Density
Let's now consider a real disk structure. Without viscosity, all materials follow Keplerian orbits, and no accretion actually happens, so viscosity is intrinsic in accretion disks. The most important non-diagonal component of the stress tensor is (especially out of the thin disk geometry) $\sigma_{r\phi}$. In cylindrical coordinate, it writes
The corresponding friction force is
Thus the net torque onto the belt within $r$ and $r+\text dr$ is
By simply taking $\Omega=\Omega_K$ in the thin disk approximation,
Again, angular momentum is transferred outwards.
Steady State Solution ($\partial/\partial t=0$)
If $r_\text{in}$ is the innermost radius of the disk, we have
Let's impose the torque-free boundary condition at $r=r_\text{in}$, which suggests no viscosity in the inner boundary of the disk.
For black holes, $r\text{in}\simeq r\text{ISCO}\simeq6r_{Sch}$, inside which the GR effect suppresses any possible stable orbital motion, so the torque-free boundary condition holds. However, for accretion onto proton-stars / neutron stars, such condition is not justified.
For $r\gg r_\text{in}$, $\dot M\simeq3\pi \Sigma\nu$. When we combine this solution with the EoC, we obtain
We used to claim a viscous timescale
out of the dimensional consideration. Now we prove it.
is a wave equation. The general solution is $\widetilde \Sigma=f(r^2-3\nu t)$, where $f(\cdot)$ is an arbitrary function. As the system evolves with time, the wave propogates while the shape remains the same.
The second term,
is a diffusion equation. The general solution peaks at the same $r$, but the shape is gradually diluted. The overall solution behaves as a mixture of the two.
However, $\nu$ is in general not a constant. For a thin disk,
So we have to solve the equation numerically.
Standard Disk Model
Shakura & Sunyaez 1973, 1976
Axisymmetric disk ($\partial/\partial \phi=0$).
Steady disk ($\partial/\partial t=0$). As a result,
is a constant.
In the last section, we have proved that when this assumption is applied and the torque-free boundary condition is imposed, we have
The gravity is dominated by the central object.
Hydrostatic balance in the vertical direction.
Geometrically thin disk ($H/r=c_s/v_K\ll1$).
Rotation dominated ($|vr|\ll v\phi=v_K$).
Somehow the least reasonable assumption: viscosity is given by the $\alpha$-viscosity model.
where $\alpha=\mathcal O(0.01-1)$.
The disk should be in thermal equilibrium ($T$ is well-defined throughout the disk) and optically thick, $Q^+\text{vis}=Q^-\text{rad}+Q^-_\text{adv}$.
For the thin disk model, the advection term is negligible, and we have proved that
The disk has two sides, thus we add a factor of two in the radiation term. The optical depth $\tau$ is given by
The opacity is mainly given by the electron scattering and free-free transition.
where the density $\rho$ is given by
Equation of state is given by
and the adiabatic sound speed is given by
For fixed $M$, $\dot M$, and $\alpha$, we still have 11 unkown quantities ($v_r, \Sigma, \Omega_K, H, \rho, \nu, c_s, P, T, \kappa, \tau)$ and exactly 11 equations, so all the quantities can be solved as a function of $r$.
The result gives a broken power law because the formula for $\kappa$ and $P$ include addition. The disk is thus divided into three regions.
Region I, $\kappa\text{es}$ and $P\text {rad}$ dominate.
Region II, $\kappa\text{es}$ and $P\text {gas}$ dominate.
Region III, $\kappa\text{ff}$ and $P\text {gas}$ dominate.
In each region, the profile of each quantity has a individual slope, and is scale-free, by defining dimensionless quatities below
and $L_{Edd}$ is the Eddington luminosity,
Note that after solving the equation, one need to double check to make sure $|v_r|\ll c_s\ll v_K$ and $H/r\ll 1$ so that our assumpitions shall be valid.
Disk Energetics and Radiation Spectra
The energy equation is
So the one-side flux is
In an accretion disk, gravitational energy is released, and viscosity transports it to radiation. If there is significant advection, since $Q^+\text{vis}=Q^-\text{rad}+Q^-_\text{adv}$, the luminosity is reduced.