Let us consider systems in steady state (Parker's wind & Bondi accretion)
The EoC requires that $\dot M=4\pi r^2\rho u$ is a constant, which gives out the relation
ρ1drdρ+r2+v1drdv=0 The EoM gives
vdrdv=−ρ1drdP−r2GM∗=−ρcs2drdρ−r2GM∗ Combine EoC and EoM to eliminate the density gradient $\text d\rho/\text dr$, we find
vdrdv=r2cs2+vcs2drdv−r2GM∗ ⇒21(1−u2cs2)drdv2=−r2GM∗(1−GM∗2cs2r) To solve this ODE, we apply the so-called trans-sonic condition, that is, $v=cs$ at $r=r\text c\equiv GM_*/2c_s^2$.
Isothermal Solution
In isothermal flow, $c_s$ is a constant, the solution is thus
M2−lnM2=4lnξ+ξ4−3 where $\mathcal M$ is the Mach number, and $\xi\equiv r/r_\text c$. The solutions are shown as below.
V - wind solution (Parker's wind)
The other trans-sonic solution - accretion solution (Bondi accretion)
Accretion Solution
If the flow is not isothermal, we assume a polytropic equation of state $P=K\rho^\gamma$. Bernoulli's theorem for steady flow ensures that $\frac12u^2+h+\phi$ is a constant along each streamline, where $h$ is the specific enthalpy
h(p)≡∫ρ(p)dp=γ−1Kγργ−1=γ−1cs2 and $\phi$ is the gravitational potential. Thus at radius $r$,
21v2+γ−1cs2−rGM∗=γ−1c∞2 where $c_\infty$ is the adiabatic sound speed at infinity. Here we have applied the infinite boundary condition, that is, $v\to0$ as $r\to\infty$.
Setting $v=c_s$ at
r=rc≡2cs,cGM∗,cs,c≡cs(rc) as we are only interested in the trans-sonic solution. Consequently,
rccs,cρc=25−3γ2c∞2GM∗=(5−3γ2)1/2c∞=(5−3γ2)1/(γ−1)ρ∞ $\rho_\text c$ is calculated from the EoS.
Obviously, for $\gamma\ge5/3$, $r_\text c\le0$, so there is no trans-sonic solution for adiabatic (no radiative cooling) EoS. $\gamma=5/3$ is critical for spherical, point-mass accretion.
Mass Accretion Rate
M˙B=4πρr2v=4πρcrc2vs,c=4π(5−3γ2)2(γ−1)5−3γ(2c∞2GM∗)2ρ∞c∞(∝ρM∗2T−3/2)≡4πq(γ)RB2ρ∞c∞ where we define
q(γ)≡41(5−3γ2)2(γ−1)5−3γ and the Bondi radius
RB≡c∞2GM∗ For diffusive ISM accretion onto a sun-like object
ρ∞∼10−24 g/cm3,T∼104 K,γ∼1.4 ⇒M˙B∼10−15(M⊙M∗)2M⊙/yr This rate is extremely small. Even if we neglect the accretion feedback, a sun-like object can only accrete $\sim10^{-5}M_\odot$ in Hubble time.
For denser and colder molecular cloud
ρ∞∼10−20 g/cm3,T∼10 K,γ∼1.4 ⇒M˙B∼3×10−7(M⊙M∗)2M⊙/yr In this way, the accretion timescale is quite interesting, as it only takes several million years for a sun-like object to double its mass. For a SMBH $\sim10^6M_\odot$, the timescale to reach double mass is only 0.3 yr.
We note that in reality, BH feedback suppresses the accretion somehow. Thus, $\dot M_B$ is the upper limit of the actual accretion rate. In this case,
dtdM∗=AM∗2 ⇒M∗1−M01=−A(t−t0)⇒M∗=1−AM0(t−t0)M0 The growth of $M*$ is so rapid that before $t$ goes to infinity, $M$ diverges within *Bondi timescale $t_B$
tB≡AM01 This is known as the super-exponential growth.
Accretion Flows
Radiative Luminosity
The luminosity caused by radiation can be estimated as
Lacc∼dtdEg∼dtd(RGM2)∼RGMM˙−R2GM2R˙ The second term is important only when there is significant orbital shrink in the system, such as binary spiral-in or stellar contraction. For steady accretion onto a point mass, it is negligable, so we can focus on the first term only.
Neutron star
M∗∼M⊙,R∗∼10 km⇒Lacc∼R∗GM∗M˙∼1038(10−8M⊙/yrM˙) erg/s Black hole
Lacc∼RISCOGMM˙ where $R_\text{ISCO}$ is the innermost stable circular orbit. For a Schwarzschild black hole,
RISCO=3RSch=c26GM so the accretion rate is approximately
We define the radiation efficiency $\eta$ so that
Lacc≡ηM˙c2 $\eta$ can be of the order $10^{-1}$ for black holes, but is negligible for less compact objects, such as normal stars.
Eddington Accretion Rate
For any astrophysical system, for materials to accrete, the gravity should exceed the radiation force, that is
r2GM≥4πr2Lcρκ Immediately, we notice that $L$ cannot exceed a critical luminosity $L_{Edd}$,
L≤LEdd≡κ4πcGM $L_{Edd}$ is the famous Eddington luminosity. Assuming $\kappa$ is solely given by the electron scattering, the typical Eddington luminosity is
LEdd∼1.3×1038(M⊙M) erg/s Since $\dot M=Mc^2$, there is also a critical $\dot M_{Edd}$, known as the Eddington accretion rate, given as
M˙≤M˙Edd≡ηcκ4πGM∝M Note that
dtdM∝BM⇒M=M0eB(t−t0) So Eddington accretion undergoes exponential growth.