$\alpha$ is a new generalized coordinate which satisfies
the generalized momentum, or the angular momentum perpendicular to the plane determined by $\vec v$ and $\vec v+\text d\vec v$ is conserved, and we can reselect the coordinates and consider the 2D problem with coordinates $(r,\theta)$
Conservation of angular momentum
Conservation of energy
Physically, the radial distance $r$ is reachable only when
If this is satisfied in an closed interval $[r_1, r_2]$, intuitionally, $r$ could oscillate between $r_1$ and $r_2$, whose period (so-called radial period) is
In one complete radial period ($r_1\to r_2\to r_1$), usually $\Delta\theta\neq 2\pi$ (Kepler orbits are so special!). In fact
Of course usually $T\theta\neq T_r$, but if $T\theta/T_r$ is at least rational, the orbit will turn out to be closed. Below we discuss several special closed orbits
The corresponding orbits are thus eclipses centered at the coordinate origin, so every $2\pi$ angle the object goes around, the variation of $r$ undergoes two orbits
In general,
A more intuitional picture is that the orbit continuously precesses at a rate of