Chapter 9 Dark Matter
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A mismatch between
The amount of matter known (or at least suspected) to be present
The amount of matter we see ina given environment or volume
Baryonic dark matter
Stars & remnants (mostly WDs) account for < 10% of the baryons (deduced from the relative abundances of light elements created in BBN + fluctuations in CMB)
In the form of intergalactic gas (Ly $\alpha$ forests)
High temperature - WHIM (Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium), FUV+X ray radiation
Non-Baryonic dark matter
In B-band ($\sim3800 \overset\circ{\text{A}}-4800 \overset\circ{\text{A}}$), measured in solar units $\mathrm{M}{\odot} / \mathrm{L}{\odot, \mathrm{B}}$
Dependence of stellar luminosity on mass (quite steep) $L \propto M^{\sim 3.5}$
Most of the luminosity of a stellar population is contributed by the most massive stars $M / L{\mathrm{B}} \sim 10^{-3} \mathrm{M}{\odot} / \mathrm{L}_{\odot, \mathrm{B}}$
Most of the mass is in the far more numerous and fainter low-mass stars $M / L{\mathrm{B}} \sim 10^{3} \mathrm{M}{\odot} / \mathrm{L}_{\odot, \mathrm{B}}$
Within 1 kpc from the Sun
Integrating the luminosity function (LF, the number of galaxies per unit volume with luminosity in the range $[L, L+d L]$) of galaxies within hundreds of Mpc from our location
Assumption 1 - the slope in the LF applies for unobserved lower massive galaxies
Total stellar luminosity
If there are too many low mass galaxies, the integration might diverge
Assumption 2 - the mass-to-light ratio in the neighborhood of the solar system also applies to most of the galaxies
Under these assumptions, the mass density is
Spiral galaxy - thin disk rotating about the center
Galaxy rotation curve
$v_{\mathrm{r}}(R)$ - velocity deduced from the Doppler shift of spectral lines from stars/gas in the disk
$v_{\mathrm{gal}}$ - systemic velocity of the galaxy indicated by the Doppler shift of the nucleus
$i$ - inclination deduced from semi-major axis $a$ and semi-minor axis $b$
$i=0$ - face on
$i=\pi/2$ - edge on
Newtonian gravity
Inside the bulge, $M(R)\propto R^3$, $v\propto R$
Outside the bulge, $M(R)=M$, $v\propto R^{-1/2}$
For a distribution of matter in hydrostatic equilibrium, $\rho\sim R^{-2}$, $v=Constant$
Evidence of non-baryonic dark matter
For most of the spiral galaxies, the rotational velocity first increases with galactic distance $R$ and then flattens
The integrated stellar light of the disks of spiral galaxies generally falls exponentially with $R$
where $I$ is the surface brightness and $R_\text{s}$ is a characteristic scale-length
Beyond $R>3R_\text{s}$, only 3% of the light remains - mass of stars inside $R$ becomes essentially constant
The gravitational mass continues to increase
Dynamical mass of the Milky Way $M{\mathrm{dyn}}^{\mathrm{MW}} \simeq 1 \times 10^{12} \mathrm{M}{\odot}$
Based on the motions od satellites orbiting our galaxy
High values of $M / L_{\mathrm{B}}$ implied
which reflect the fact that the Milky Way disk lies at the centre of a spherical halo of non-baryonic dark matter
The inner regions (bulges) of spirals and ellipticals are dominated by baryons
Dwarf galaxies are dominated by dark matter - has led to searches for gamma-rays produced by the annihilation of particle-antiparticle pairs of some non-baryonic dark matter candidates
No evidence for dark matter in globular clusters
Greatest concentration of matter in the Universe
Doppler shifts
Systemic redshift
Velocity dispersion
Relaxed cluster - no longer expanding nor contracting
Velocity dispersion - depth of the gravitational potential well within which dark matter, galaxies and intracluster gas move
Virial theorem
where the brackets denote time averages
Kinetic energy
is a 3-D velocity!
Potential energy
$\alpha\sim0.4$ - obtained through simulations
$r_\text{h}$ - half-mass radius, the radius of a sphere centered on the center of mass of the cluster and within which half of the cluster mass is contained
The dynamical mass of a cluster
where $\sigma_\text{r}$ is the one-dimensional velocity dispersion
The mass-to-light ratio of Coma (which has quenched)
Actually, the Milky Way $\sim10^{12}M_\odot$ has very high star formation efficiency
Use temperature, density and chemical composition to determine the mass of clusters
Equation of hydrostatic equilibrium
$M$ is the total (DM + baryons) mass inside $r$
For ideal gas
where $\mu$ is the mean molecular weight (average mass per particle divided by $m_\ce{H}$, $\sim0.6$ for a fully ionized plasma of solar composition)
By tracking $T$, $\rho$ and the composition from the core to the outskirts
SZ effect of CMB - from $n_e$ to the abundance of baryons of the intracluster gas
A light ray traversing a region where the gravitational field has a gradient, for example near a point mass, will bend towards the mass
Allow us to probe the distribution of matter in galaxies and in clusters independently of the nature of the matter
Depending on the projected distance between the light source and the lens
Occurs at small angular separations between source and lens
Einstein rings, multiple images, highly distorted images, arcs
Occurs when the alignment between observer, lens and source is not close
Slightly distorted single images of background galaxies
Cosmic shear
Large-scale distribution of galaxies in the Universe acts as weak lens
Analysed by statistical means, averaging over many distorted galaxy images
Occurs when two stars (at the appropriate distances from Earth) become closely aligned as seen from Earth due to their relative transverse velocities
Usually images cannot be resolved (Subo NB)
Give rise to a characteristic light curve - the background source increases in brightness on a timescale of $\sim1$ month
Achromatic - no chromatic effects
No cosmic shear
Assume that the lensing action is dominated by a single matter inhomogeneity at some location between source and observer
Thin lens approximation
All the action of light deflection takes place at a single distance
Halo of galaxies $\sim100$ kpc
Cluster of galaxies $\sim$ a few Mpc
Source-lens and lens-observer distances $\sim$ Gpc
Weak field approximation
Impact parameter is much greater than the Schwarzchild radius
where $\tilde{\alpha}(\xi)$ is the deflection angle
Reduced deflection angle
Under small angle approximation $\xi=\mathrm{D}_{\mathrm{L}} \theta$
when $\beta=0$
A ring like image is formed
$\beta\lesssim\theta_\rm{E}$ - strong magnification
$\beta\gg\theta_\rm{E}$ - little magnification
Strong lensing
Microlensing of stars in the bulge by a solar-mass disk star, $\mathrm{D}{\mathrm{LS}} / \mathrm{D}{\mathrm{S}} \approx 1 / 2$
Magnification on fluxes - conserves surface brightness - the ratio between the solid angles sustended by the image and the source
where $\mu\equiv \beta/\theta_{\mathrm{E}}$
$\beta\to0$ - diverge (in the limit of geometrical optics)
$\theta<\theta_\rm{E}$ - negative magnification - mirror inverted
Total magnification $\mu=|\mu_1|+|\mu_2|>1$
1-D velocity dispersion of gas and stars is only weakly dependent on distance $r$ fromt the center
Treating the galaxy as 'gas' of stars with $p=\rho k T / m$
3-D density distribution
The latter formula is obtained to avoid the singularity in the center, $r_0$ is the core radius
$r\ll r0, \rho=\rho\rm{c}$
$r\gg r_0$, the SIS behavior is recovered
Total mass enclosed within $\xi$
The deflection angle
For cored model