Week6: Orbits
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Here, the angular momentum no longer conserves, though we still have a conserved Hamiltonian
This is just the potential of an harmonic oscillator, and when $q$ is irrational, the orbit does not close
if $q=1$, $\Phi_L=v_0^2\ln R$, and the circular speed is a constant - consistent with the flat circular-speed curves of many disk galaxies
In general, there are two kinds of closed orbits, namely box orbits (above) and loop orbits (below)
Box orbits
$R\ll R_c$ (oscillator) + could be distorted when $R\gtrsim R_c$,
Zero time-averaged angular momentum
Two integrals (two independent oscillations parallel to the coordinate axes)
Loop orbits
$R\gg R_c$
Closed loop orbit
closes on itself after one revolution
zero annular width
Let the frame of reference in which the potential $\Phi$ is static rotate steadily at angular velocity $\vec\Omega_b$ - pattern speed
$H_J$ has no explicit time dependence and is thus an integral, called the Jacobi integral
is the sum of gravitational potential and a centrifugal potential.
Hamilton's equations
Coriolis force
Centrifugal force
In the meantime
Lagrange points
When we expand $\nabla \Phi_{eff}$ around one of these points $\vec x_L=(x_L,y_L)$ in powers of $(x-x_L)$ and $(y-y_L)$, we have
For any bar-like potential whose principal axes lie along the coordinate axes, by symmetry, $\partial^2\Phi_{eff}/\partial x\partial y$ at $x_L$. Hence, if we retain only quadratic terms and define
the equations of motion become
This is a pair of linear differential equations with constant coefficients!
we have
The simultaneous equations have a non-trivial solution only if the determinant
This is the characteristic equation for $\lambda$. If any of the four roots has non-zero real part, $\xi$ and $\eta$ will grow exponetially in time, and the Lagrangian point is said to be unstable. When all roots are pure imaginary, say $\lambda=\pm i\alpha$ or $\pm i\beta$, with $0\le \alpha\le \beta$ real, the general solution is
and the Lagrangian point is stable since $\xi$ and $\eta$ oscillate. Each orbit is a superposition of motion at frequencies $\alpha$ and $\beta$ around two ellipses.
$X_1$ & $Y_1$, $X_2$ & $Y_2$ are related by
To ensure $\lambda^2$ to be real and negative, there are three conditions
Now we can analyse the stability of Lagrange points.
$L_1$ and $L_2$ - saddle points - unstable
$L3$ - minimum of $\Phi{eff}$ - stable
$\Phi{xx}>0$ and $\Phi{yy}>0$, so the first two conditions are naturally satisfied. We can rewrite the third condition
which is also satisfied.
Without loss of generality, we let
since $x$-axis is the major axis of the potential.
Now consider the motion about $L_3$.
Since $\alpha^2<\Phi_{xx}$ and $\alpha\ge 0$, we have $Y_1/X_1>0$, thus the star's motion around the $\alpha-$ellipse has the same sense as the rotation of the potential. Such an orbit is said to be prograde or direct.
When $\Omegab^2\ll |\Phi{xx}|$, $\alpha^2\sim\Phi_{xx}$, so $X_1\gg Y_1$ and this prograde motion runs almost parallel to the long axis of the potential.
While $\beta^2>\Phi{yy}$ and $\beta>0$, we have $Y_2/X_2<0$, and the orbital motion is known as retrograde. When $\Omega_b^2\ll |\Phi{yy}|$, similarly $|X_2|\ll|Y_2|$, and the $\beta-$ellipse orbit goes over into a short-axis orbit.
A general prograde orbit around $L_3$ is made up of motion on the $\beta-$ellipse (retrograde) around a guiding center moving around the $\alpha-$ellipse (prograde), and conversely for retrograde orbits.
$L4,L_5$ - maximum of $\Phi{eff}$ - depends on the details of the potential
For the Logarithmic potential
$L_4,L_5$ Occur at $(0,\pm y_L)$, where
Thus $L_4,L_5$ are present only if $\Omega_b<v_0/(qR_c)$. Differentiating the effective potential again we find
Hence $\Phi{xx}\Phi{yy}>0$. Deciding whether the other stability conditions hold is tedious in the general case, but straightforward in the limit of negligible core radius,
For future use we note that for small $R_c$, and to leading order in the ellipticity $\epsilon=1-q$, we have
In this way, when $\epsilon$ and $R_c$ are both small,
so the $\alpha-$ellipse is highly elongated in the $x-$ direction, while