Chapter 10 Recombination and CMB
Early universe - high electron density - Thomson scattering
Mean free path
The rate at which a photon undergoes scattering
Optical depth
Assuming the universe is totally ionized today that $n{\mathrm{e}} \simeq n{\mathrm{b}}=n_{\mathrm{b}, 0}(1+z)^{3}$
Matter Domination
Occurred at $z{\text{eq}}=3380$, $T{\mathrm{eq}}=2.7255 \times 3381=9215 \mathrm{K}$
The expansion is then be driven by pressure less matter until either the curvature or the dark energy donimates
Cooling universe - ions (protons and $\ce{He^2+}$) and electrons combine and form neutral atoms
$n\rm{e}$ decreases rapidly - $\Gamma{\mathrm{T}, \mathrm{e}}$ drops below the expansion rate $H$ - the photons decouple from the electrons and can stream freely
The temperature at which recombination takes place
Baryon-to-photon ratio $\eta$
Ionization potential of the species involved ($\ce{H}$ : $Q=13.6\text{ eV}$, neglect $\ce{He+}$ and $\ce{He^2+}$)
The distribution of particles with different masses (MB distribution)
Then for $\ce{H}$ atoms, protons and free electrons
The ratio of statistical weighs is 1
$m{\ce H}\approx m{\ce{p}}$
$Q=\left(m{\mathrm{p}}+m{\mathrm{e}}-m_{\mathrm{H}}\right) c^{2}$
Saha equation
Ionization fraction
For a blackbody spectrum
Solving the equation of $X$
When $kT\gg Q$, $X\sim1$
Once $kT<Q$, $X\to0$ - difficult to achieve for $\eta$ and $\left(k T / m_{\mathrm{e}} c^{2}\right)^{3 / 2}$ are very small
When $X=0.5$ and for $\eta=6.1\times10^{-10}$
Photon Decoupling
Recombination was not an instantaneous process - $X=0.9\to X=0.1$ takes $\sim 70000\text{ yr}$
The time when photons and baryons decoupled follows soon
Overionization ($X$ is larger than what the Saha equation predicts) - the photons emitted in recombination are so easily absorbed by other $\ce{H}$ atoms
Two-photon emission
Highly forbidden
Energy of photons too low to excite an atom from the ground state
Last scattering layer
Strong evidence for the Big Bang
$\langle h \nu\rangle= 6.3 \times 10^{-4} \mathrm{eV}$, $\sim$ vibrational and rotational levels of molecules
Solution to Olbers' paradox - the sky at night is bright everywhere, but at the milimeter wavelength
Closest approximation to an ideal blackbody
Highly isotropic
Horizon Problem
Comoving horizon
Early in the matter-dominated era
Then the proper horizon distance at decoupling
The angle on the sky subtended by the proper horizon
where $d_\rm{A}$ is the angular diameter distance
In an open universe with no dark energy, the so-called Mattig relation applies
for $z\gg1$, then
Under the cosmic model in consensus, $\theta_{\mathrm{hoor}, \mathrm{dec}} \approx 1.8^{\circ}$
CMB photons coming to us from two directions separated by more than $\sim 2^\circ$ originated from regions which were not in causal contact at $z_\rm{dec}$
After decoupling, the photo-baryon fluid cecame a pair of gases
Baryons - free gravitational collapse
Gravity turned the tiny temperature fluctuations into large scale structure
The anisotropies in the temperature of the CMB radiation encode a host of cosmological parameters
Statistical Description of the Fluctuations
The correlation function
$C_\ell$ is a measure of $\delta T/T$ on the angular scale $\theta\sim180^\circ/\ell$
$\ell=0$ (monopole) - vanish
$\ell=1$ (dipole) - the motion of the Earth through space
$\ell\ge2$ - the fluctuations present at the time of last scattering
Power spectrum
Earth's motion relative to the local comoving frame of reference
Higher Multipoles
photon-baryon fluid acoustic oscillations
$\theta\sim1^\circ$ - Sound horizon
Baryon-photon fluid - relativistic
As gravity tries to compress the fluid, radiation pressure resists
Sound is a travelling change of pressure
Stops oscillating at decoupling - the pattern of maxima and minima in the density is frozen - temperature fluctuation
Maximum compression - highest density - hottest
Modes caught at extrema of their oscillations - the peaks in the CMB power spectrum - Acoustic peaks or Doppler peaks
First peak - compressed once inside potential wells before recombination
Second peak - compressed and then rarefied
Third peak - compressed then rarefied then compressed
The angular scales and amplitudes of the acoustic peaks are the main route to determining the cosmological parameters encoded in the temperature anisotropy of the CMB
The First Doppler Peak: a Measure of the Curvature of the Universe
Sound speed
For radiation, $\omega=1/3\Rightarrow c_\mathrm{s}=c/\sqrt{3}$
Sound horizon
For $z\gg1$ and $\Omega_\Lambda=0$
Larger $\Omega{\text{k},0}$ gives smaller $\theta{\mathrm{hor}, \mathrm{s}}$, thus the first acoustic peak moves to larger $\ell$ values
In a $\Omega{\mathrm{k}, 0}=0, \Omega{\mathrm{m}, 0}+\Omega_{\Lambda, 0}=1$ cosmology, we expect the first peak is located at
Higher Doppler Peaks
Inside the sound horizon at decoupling - subject to physical effects acting on baryon-photon fluid
Baryon Loading: a Measure of $\Omega_{\mathrm{b}, 0}$
Baryon loading - take the gravitational and inertial mass of the baryons into account
Higher amplitude of compression peaks (odd peaks) than rarefaction peaks (even peaks)
The fluid compress further inside before rarefactions
Decrease the frequency of oscillations
Slowed down by baryons - the wavelength decays as the velocity stays a constant
All the peaks get slightly higher $\ell$ (smaller $\theta$)
The Damping Tail
As we approach the epoch of decoupling, the coupling between baryons and photons is not perfect
Anisotropies removed by diffusion of photons (with higher mean free path)
The acoustic oscillations are exponentially damped on scales smaller than the distance photons random walk
The shape of the damping tail
Increasing the baryon density
The photon-baryon fluid more tightly coupled at recombination
The mean free path of the photons is shorter
The damping tail shifts to smaller angular scales
Total matter density
The age of the Universe at $z_\text{rec}$
Angular diameter distance $d_\rm{A}$
Both are smaller for larger matter density - more damping at a fixed multiple moment
Super-horizon Scales
The principal source of temperature fluctuations are the intrinsic inhomogeneities in the distribution of matter
Sachs-Wolfe Effect
Variations in the gravitational potential - temperature fluctuation
Two competing effects
Photons climbing out of potential well experience a gravitational redshift, and lose energy in the process
The potential wells appear slightly colder than the mean in the CMB map
Photons scattered from regions of higher density than average and received today were scattered at slightly earlier times, when the CMB temperature was slightly higher - what we see is earlier CMB
The potential wells appear slightly hotter than the mean in the CMB map
No scale dependence
A constant $\Delta_{\mathrm{T}}^{2}$ in power spectrum
Cosmic variance
Only $2\ell+1$ independent sampling can be made of our CMB sky
Limit of precision
Peculiar Velocities
Density fluctuations are always related to peculiar velocities of matter
Photons last scattered by gas receding from us with a speed slightly larger than the average Hubble expansion will experience an additional redshift which reduces the temperature measured in that direction
Secondary Fluctuations
Thomson Scattering
Free electrons in IGM, following the so-called epoch of reionization
The fluctuation amplitude decreases by a factor of $e^{-\tau}$ - help deduce $z_\text{reion}\approx8.5\pm1.3$
Gravitational Lensing
The gravitational field of the cosmic density fluctuations leads to changes in the photon direction
The correlation function of the temperature fluctuations is slightly smeared out on small angular scales
Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
The gravitational potential of the large-scale structure changes over timescales comparable to the travel time of CMB photons through the structures
Important over the largest angular scales and when dark energy dominates the expansion
The blueshift that a CMB photon undergoes as is travels down a potential well is more significant than the corresponding redshift as it climbs out
The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (S-Z) Effect
Inverse Compton scattering of CMB photons by electrons in the intracluster gas (ICM) of massive galaxy clusters
The isotropy of the cosmic background ensures that, on average, the total number of CMB photons reaching us is unchanged
Frequency distribution
Raleigh-Jeans part ($\lambda\ge1\text{ mm}$) - removed
Wien part - boosted
Intensity - related to the physical properties of the cluster
Independent of redshift and of the details of the gas distribution within the cluster - identification of clusters at high redshifts
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