Chapter 7 Thermal History of the Universe
Average density of photons
The total energy density of a black body is
where $a={4\sigma}/{c}=7.57\times10^{-15}\text{ erg}\text{ cm}^{-3}\text{ K}^{-4}$ is the radiation constant
Average energy of a photon (black body)
where $k=1.38 \times 10^{-16} \text { erg } \mathrm{K}^{-1}$ is Boltzmann constant
Number density of CMB photons (which make up most of the photons at present) today
Average density of baryons
$\Omega_{\text b,0}=0.0488$, which is a small fraction compared to the dark matter
Density ratio of photons and baryons
Number density
Energy density
If we include non-relativistic cold dark matter (matter) and relativistic neutrinos (radiation)
So the present universe is matter dominated
However, in the past, since
we find the redshift that these two density equal
before which the radiation dominated
The evolution of temperature
$\lambda_{max}T$ is a constant
At early universe, the typical photons were sufficiently energetic that they interacted strongly with matter - the temperature was dominated by the radiation
The evolution of scale factor
The Universe at $t<1\text{ s}$
Planck time
According to the formula
$T$ diverges as $a\to\infty$
This extrapolation fails when the wavelength associated with the particle approaches its Schiwarzschild radius
Planck mass
Planck length
Planck time
At $t\approx t_P$, classical spacetime dissolves into a foam of quantum black holes - Quantum gravity limit
Interaction rate (1/s): $\Gamma$
Expansion rate of the universe: $H$
If $\Gamma\gg H$, then the timescale of particle interactions is much smaller than the characteristic expansion timescale
and local thermal equilibrium is built
If $tc\sim t\ce{H}$
The particles in question decouple from the thermal plasma
Major milestones
Planck time $t\sim10^{-43}\text{ s}$
Four fundamental interactions were united before Planck time
Gravity became separate from the other three forces
Beginning of GUT era
GUT transition $t \sim 10^{-35} \mathrm{s}$
The Electroweak and Strong forces emerged
Quarks (that interact mostly through the strong force) and leptons (which interact mostly through the weak force) and their anti-particles acquired individual identities
End of GUT era
Inflation $t\sim10^{-36}-10^{-34}\text{ s}$
Horizon problem (causal link)
Flatness problem
Monopole problem
Absence of anti-matter
Electro-Weak transition $t \sim 10^{-12} \mathrm{s}$
The electromagnetic and weak forces become separate
Leptons acquired mass
Corresponding bosons appeared (and decayed at the temperature corresponding to their mass)
Baryongensis continued
QCD (Quark-Hadron) transition $t \sim 10^{-6} \mathrm{s}$
Quarks can no longer exist on their own. They combine into hadrons (baryons and mesons), glued together by gluons (strong force bosons)
Quark confinement commences
The Universe at $t>1\text{ s}$
The Lepton era $t \sim 10^{-6} \text { to } t \sim \text { a few } \mathrm{s}$
$T\le1\text{ GeV}$, the physics is well understood and accessible to experimental verification with particle accelerators (CERN)
Decoupling of Neutrinos $t \simeq 1 \mathrm{s}$
The energy is much less then the rest-mass of protons and neutrons
All the baryons that exist today must have already been present when the Universe was one millionth of a second old
So long as the reaction rate is faster than the expansion rate, electrons, neutrinos and their anti-particles and photons are kept in equilibrium by the following reactions
Compton scattering
\ce{e^{\pm} + \gamma <-> e^{\pm} + \gamma }Pair production and annihilation
\ce{e+ + e- <-> {\gamma} + \gamma}Neutrino-antineutrino scattering
\ce{\nu \+ \bar{\nu} <-> e+ + e-}Neutrino-electron scattering
\ce{\nu \+ e^{\pm} <-> \nu \+ e^{\pm} }
The reactions involving neutrinos are mediated by the weak force
When $T$ falls below $10^{10}\text{ K}$, the neutrinos are no longer in equilibrium and decouple from the rest of the plasma
At freeze-out the neutrinos are still relativistic with a thermal distribution at the same temperature as the electrons and photons that remained in mutual equilibrium
The neutrinos have kept their thermal distribution to the present day, with $T\propto 1/a$ - difficult to detect
Electron-Positron Annibilation $t\simeq 5\text{ s}$
The number density of photons with energies above the pair production threshold is insufficient to maintain the reaction $\ce{e+ + e- <-> {\gamma} + \gamma}$, and that the reaction proceeds preferentially in the right direction
Only a small number of electrons are left to balance the protons produced by baryogenesis - electrically neutral universe
Photon gas is re-heated (not neutrinos, since they are no longer in thermal equilibrium with photons, except for some high energy neutrinos)
After annihilation
which has been maintained ever since, $T_{\nu,0}=0.71 \times 2.73=1.95 \mathrm{K}$
Equilibrium Thermodynamics
See in any textbook of statistical mechanics
Energy density for (relativistic)
The total energy density of the mixture of photons (2 polarization states), electrons, positrons (two spin freedoms), neutrinos and antineutrinos (only one helicity state) at time $t\sim1 \text{ s}$ is thus
$\mathcal N_\nu$ is the number of neutrino families
Last updated